Quality commercial females on offer at Reiland blood sale
Tuesday 11th February 2025
Commercial Female Sale - Friday 7th March
Tuesday 11th February 2025
Beef producers will have the opportunity to secure profitable and productive commercial Angus females at a high-quality breeders’ sale online on Friday, March 7.
To be held on AuctionsPlus, the multivendor 3rd Reiland Angus Commercial Female Invitational Sale will feature pregnancy-tested-in-calf Angus females for a spring calving along with PTIC cows and autumn and spring drop heifer weaners, cows and calves, and unjoined females.
The spring calving heifers will be joined to Reiland and industry sires.
Reiland Angus co-principal Mark Lucas said up to 800 head would be offered in the sale, including 300 females from Reiland Angus with 50 per cent artificially joined to elite genetics.
Mr Lucas said the Reiland blood females emanated from committed, long term Reiland clients or bull clients who have purchased Reiland bulls to join to quality breeding females.
He said all cattle would be inspected by agents for type, temperament and overall quality.
“This is a breeder friendly sale with cows and calves, and pregnant heifers,” Mr Lucas said.
“We have moved to an online format to reduce exposure to the seasonal conditions and transport costs for vendors. All livestock will retain their European Union accreditation.
“Reiland Angus is offering a buyer draw of a $2500 credit to the 2025 autumn bull sale.”
The sale follows the highly successful second Reiland Genetics Premier Female sale at Gundagai in 2021 when cows and calves sold to $4800.
“It is with pride Reiland Angus, with the support of loyal clients, has initiated a genuine Angus breeder sale outlet for quality surplus females, selected for soundness and docility,’’ Mr Lucas said.
“We are sure it will capture the forward-thinking northern buyer as well as southern NSW and Victorian resotckers.
“There are few studs in southern NSW able to match Reiland’s fertility, growth and carcase data. These AI bred heifers and cows are all out of proven high-performance herds.
“Our cattle develop in hill country and excel across bottom line profit drivers of fertility, soundness and carcase excellence.
“This is a feature sale we hold every three years and is an opportunity for people to potentially re-enter a market when the forecast has been on a trajectory.”
Ken Miall, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Wagga Wagga, said the sale was an opportunity for vendors to attract a premium for their surplus breeding cattle.
“It also offers buyers a unique opportunity to source excellent quality cattle from the one bloodline,” he said.
The last Reiland Premier Female Sale in March 2021 resulted in 664 head averaging $2715 and grossing $1.8 million. Weaned heifers averaged $1678 and topped at $1910; PTIC autumn calving heifers averaged $3053 and topped at $3300; PTIC spring calving heifers averaged $2622 and topped at $3600, heifers and calves averaged $3948 and topped at $4800, and cows and calves averaged $3447 and topped at $3600.
The sale will be held online on AuctionsPlus on March 7 while selling agents are Elders Tumut and Nutrien Ag Solutions Wagga.