Landscape image of the Reiland Angus property

Commercial Female Sale - Friday 7th March

Focus on profitability at Reiland industry seminar

Principal scientist, Dr David Johnston, Animal Genetic and Breeding Unit, Armidale, will focus on selection criteria to maximize on-farm profitability and permanent genetic gain.

The launch of a new cattle breed, a beef industry market forecast and genetic selection for on-farm profitability will be covered at the Reiland Angus Genetics seminar on Wednesday, March 31.Morning sessions for the clients-only Reiland Angus Genetics Efficient Beef Production seminar will be held the Tumut Golf Club from 8.30am followed by an afternoon session at Killimicat Station, Tumut.

The seminar will kick off with Reiland stud co-principal Mark Lucas speaking on building strong genetic foundations and recent genetic investment in the Reiland herd.

“With the beef industry riding an amazing wave in terms of price returns, upbeat season and solid domestic and export demand, this is never a better time to be fully informed across the areas of market forecast and genetic advances to make better decisions to assist management and herd improvement,” Mr Lucas said.

Principal scientist, Dr David Johnston, Animal Genetic and Breeding Unit, Armidale, will focus on selection criteria to maximize on-farm profitability and permanent genetic gain.

He will outline Queensland research on fertility and carcase in Bos indicus cattle, present a revision of heritability of traits and keeping genetic selection aligned to the environment.

Beef industry market consultant Simon Quilty, MLX, Wangaratta, will cover the sustainability of beef prices, including the overseas and domestic demand across the protein market.

Dr Kev Sullivan, Bell Veterinary Service, Bell, Qld, will cover docility in the paddock, yards, feedlot and crush; imprinting at weaning.

He will also speak on breed selection in the face of climate change, observations on heat tolerance in the paddock and feedlot, the impact of heat stress on production and the southern launch of the new breed, Mitchell.

In the practical session at the Killimicat yards after lunch, Dr Johnston will compare live animals on selection criteria and discuss IMMUNIDEX data.

Simon Quilty will answer the question “Will China favour Australian beef into the future?” while Dr Sullivan will outline animal psychology when working with weaner cattle.

The seminar will close with a viewing of the bulls on offer at the Reiland autumn sale on April 21.

To register, contact phone Mark Lucas on 0428 693 585 by March 20 for catering purposes.