Landscape image of the Reiland Angus property

Commercial Female Sale - Friday 7th March

Farmers urged to convert surplus grass to cash

Southern processor HW Greenham & Son is offering producers cash for liveweight gains off surplus pasature. Image credit Greenham

Southern NSW producers have been encouraged to convert their surplus pasture into cash through an innovative liveweight gain program run by processor, HW Greenham & Sons.

Greenham is looking for a significant amount of cattle throughout Victoria and southern NSW, with grass fed and lot feeding options on offer.

Greenham national livestock agistment coordinator Caroline Ronald said liveweight gain was a solution to excess pasture, creating cash flow without capital outlay.

“We do have clients across the country that solely run our cattle on liveweight gain. They like it because it allows them to focus on growing grass and fattening cattle,” Miss Ronald said.

“There is no running to markets or watching and worrying about cattle prices, and there is no risk.

“As the cattle are all owned by Greenham, the company owns all the associated costs, including freight in and out plus any costs along the way.”

Miss Ronald said the Riverina and Upper Murray was a market with great potential with producers experiencing two good years of pasture growth and potential to earn without the capital outlay on stock.

Speaking at the Pasture Agronomy Service conference in Wagga on May 24, Miss Ronald said the liveweight gain program had been successfully running in Tasmania for over 10 years and for 12 months on the mainland.

The program backgrounds and lot feeds British bred, Wagyu and dairy cross cattle for the Greenham beef brands.

Gundagai agronomist Mark Lucas, Pasture Agronomy Service, said producers have immeasurable pasture surpluses over the past two years.

“There was a lot of grass which could have been converted to cash and I encourage farmers to look at the options of selling it,” Mr Lucas said.

“We are at the top end of town in terms of beef prices – we don’t need to be buying animals but if you can use someone else’s animals to turn that grass into cash, it makes common sense.”

Greenham operate processing plants at Moe, Victoria, Smithton, Tasmania, and Tongala, which is undergoing a $55 million upgrade due to be completed by the end of the year.

Miss Ronald said preferred turnoff weights for the agistment program are 450-650kg liveweight and with an entry weight of 250-450kg.

“Payment of dollars per kilogram is based on a liveweight gain market price at the time of entering an agreement.

“We buy heifers and steers with good genetics for our programs – it is in our interests to buy well bred, healthy animals at all times.

“Greenham’s work directly with our suppliers aiming to provide the most convenient and fair option for farmers to sell their livestock, from cull cows and bulls to a fully integrated program for cattle for premium markets.

“Our dedicated cattle suppliers span across Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia and southern NSW.”